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With a little help from my friends...

This space is to highlight our friends who are encouraging and supporting our actions and project




The colors, the lines and the curves, the fluid movement, and the gentle upward touch embodied in human form speak of the nurturing spirit that resides within all of us.

As we lift a child to greater heights, we rise above ourselves.

COSeL is a group of Researchers inside LPU - Lyceum of the Philippines University, who is specialised in empowering Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines. They create educational material, capacitate teachers, and build schools according to the Indigenous Peoples language and needs.


COSeL buit a School for the Agtas of Quirino.


I like the way COSeL encourage the Agta to keep being Agta, by teaching them in their own language.


I saw a great opportunity for Agta Aid to work togheter with COSeL, using their expetise to help the Agtas of Diago.

I first met Jay in my friend's (Drew) birthday party... It was a Halloween Party and we were all with Captain Cook!!!

Three days later she came to my school and told me that she heard about Agta Aid and that she was from the Philippines! I am very happy that she liked our project...  


Philip Schlaepfer


On October 2013, my teacher Miss Hudemann invited me to give atalk in my school about Agta Aid. So I gave a talk for 240 kids. Many children and adults were fascinated with the Agtas.

My Headteacher, Mr Mills, gave me this Award!

I am very very happy with all of this, and soon we will upload images of this talk in the web...


Philip Schlaepfer

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